Sunday, September 21, 2008

Like A Guy

Emotion is a double-edged sword.

It's what makes girls girls. We are more compassionate and able to connect with one another in a way guys never could (or would dare to admit). We can comfortably articulate our feelings and run with our heart on our sleeve without running the risk of being called gay or told to strap on a pair.

But by the same token, it's what makes girls girls. We become more vulnerable to the things said and done, and for that matter, anything left unspoken or undone. We tire ourselves out reading between the lines, hoping to find fine print that may or may not be there. We want to talk about every fucking thing.

Well, I don't want to be that girl -- I want to be better. I want to be the best of both worlds. I want to cry with others, not for others. I want to fight a girl's natural instinct and play the game like a guy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What Goes Around Comes Around

I'm not that superstitious, but there are a few harmless things I'll do for fun. When I go through a tunnel, I'll hold my breath and make a wish. When all digits of the time are the same (e.g. 11:11), I'll make a wish. (See a pattern?) I don't really believe my wishes will come true, but it's fun to hope they might.

There's one thing I do believe in, though, and that's karma. How I think about and treat others has often circled back to how I'm thought about and treated. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a big bite in the butt.

So if karma doesn't fail to deliver (and it rarely does), I can't help but wonder...what if the reason I find roadblocks in my love life is because I've roadblocked guys in their love lives? In my defense, most of the guys were by no means datable, but what goes around comes around...right?

Update: I'm beginning to believe in irony, too.