Monday, April 13, 2009


In soccer, there are two types of warnings. Yellow signifies caution and red, a send-off. In romance, there's only red.

I'm not saying I don't believe in second chances. What I mean is if there are things that make you think twice about whether a person is date-worthy, the odds are they're not. You may reason that maybe they deserve the benefit of the doubt, or maybe things will be different with you. Maybe. Or maybe as Alex in "He's Just Not That Into You" said, you're the rule, not the exception. You've only known them for a fraction of their life, and by the default of time, they've had years to condition themselves through simple repetition. Repetition becomes habit, and habits become the rules they act by. Learning to see flags that translate to "send-off" saves you from asking the age-old question -- "Where did we go wrong?" -- in the future.

What constitutes a flag will differ for everyone, but the underlying gut feeling stays the same. Here are my flags so far:

-- The Two C's. Confidence: good. Cockiness: bad. Belief in yourself is attractive, but believing you're better than everyone else is not. If a guy is only about himself, he'll probably be that way around you, too.

-- Relationship Rookie. Flirting for two months that culminates in a party hookup is not a relationship. A guy who couldn't care less for a relationship is a guy you couldn't care less for.

-- History 101. It's funny now how he ditched one girl for another in high school or played that spoiled princess, but will it still be funny when he pulls the same shit on you? Mistakes are downplayed over time but take a lesson in history and don't become another chapter in that book.

-- An Inconvenient Truth. Sometimes it's hard to hear the truth, but it damn beats being lied to. If he can't look you in the eye, resorts to lying or says (or doesn't say) things for the sake of avoiding a real conversation, feel sorry for him. He's lost his balls and can't find them.

-- Respect: Just A 7-Letter Word. He doesn't see the problems in this list, has committed half of the things and is well on his way to personally extending it. Treating you well is beyond him because to him, "respect" is just another 7-letter word.