Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fools Rush In

Have you ever had something you should have said to one person but told other people instead, so all at once you weren't saying enough and already saying too much?

There's this guy -- "N" -- and without a word to him, I've managed to put my foot in my mouth. N's the type of guy you feel you need a guard against, the type you want to proceed with caution. Not because he's a bad guy, but because you have better luck reading a brick. With guys like N, it's wise not to jump the gun and put yourself in a vulnerable position. Only fools rush in.

So am I a fool, because I rushed in, I jumped the gun and I put myself in that vulnerable position. I was so wrapped up in how to act around him that I let myself go around them. To them, I saw myself say too much too soon, like an out-of-body experience and I was powerless to stop myself. Now I'm powerless to their inquisitive questions and the risk that I'll once again speak out of turn.

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