Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beauty And The Beast

I'm honestly not trying to be mean when I say, have you ever seen an attractive girl with a not-so-attractive guy and wondered, "Why...?" If we tend to gravitate toward people who, on a scale of 1-10, are two points away either way, why is a girl who's, say, an 8, with a guy who's a 3?

Good-looking girls go for good-looking guys. Plain and simple. You find me an attractive girl who says she isn't into looks at all, and I'll tell you she's ordered a tall glass of "I'm lying through my teeth" and you're drinking right out of it if you believe her.

So why are there 8s with 3s? My theory is because these girls are done. Done with the jerks who think they can get away with anything. Done with being hurt so many times that the girl who once wouldn't settle is, well, settling. Not to a bad 3 but to the realization that there doesn't exist a good guy who has the looks to match, a notion the rest of us have yet to discover as we still cling desperately to the contrary.

Nice guys may finish last, but they end up with the gold. Right?


Anonymous said...

Question is, are you finally "done" yet, Karen?


Unknown said...

Wow Karen, these are some deep questions! I didn't know that there was a mathematical formula for how far away from your own level of looks you can go for. So I have a rebuttal to your theory, so assume that a 10 guy finds an 8 girl. As a consequence he might be somewhat of a jerk to her and may not be 100 percent dedicated to her since he feels that he could do better. Now if a 7 guy finds this 8 girl, he might feel he's gotten a pretty good catch and therefore treat her well in order to retain his prize that's 1 level above him. So the 8 girl really had no need to drop to looking for 3's, she only needed to drop to a 7 in order to achieve her goal of finding a guy who treats her like she's a great girl, unless of course the 8 girl expected an unreasonable level of order following and someone who will serve her like a queen, which she might find in a 3 who's stumbled upon an 8. Do you think that perhaps some girls just have higher and maybe almost impossible demands on the guys that they get with (unless the guy had reason to feel that it's the only way to keep her)?