Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Only Hope

Whether cynicism is the lead or the understudy filling in for bruised optimism, playing the part can get tiring. And right now, I am tired.

So maybe optimism can (re)claim the stage for a change. This scene from "The Office" is a striking one, a lucid moment from Michael, whose romantic pursuits have otherwise included a chair model from a catalog "fate put in my hands" (actually, it was Pam).

I'd like to think how this hits home means that buried beneath my defenses are still pieces of the same faith. So here's hoping. It's all I have for now, but it's uplifting.


Jeff said...

Yeah that hit home pretty hard...

Claire Kei said...

I can't see the video because I am in good ol' Canada, but I've seen the episode you referenced about the catalog chair/lady.
It'll be okay :)

Anonymous said...


Just a video I thought you'd like! Been a while. Miss you.
