Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pride Vs. Pry

N asked to talk but never followed through after agreeing to when. There are two natural reactions in this type of situation:

1) Let it go and hope he takes the high road to explain what happened. Questions may stay unanswered, but at least your pride remains intact.

2) Take another step and ask why he bailed. You'll likely get some answers but at the risk of appearing to pry into his personal space.

Which would you choose -- pride or pry?

Maybe this is neither here nor there because with or without conversation, I've gotten my answers. He planned to talk but didn't, and then he didn't care to explain why. Actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words.

Silence speaks louder than words.


Anonymous said...

When even a phone call or email would've helped, you got nothing. No one should be left hanging, and you deserve better.

Sorry for sounding so much like a fortune cookie.


Joanne Y. said...

I don't know about you, but for me there's two ways to look at this:

read "He's Just Not That Into You" (I have yet to around to this myself)


realize he just doesn't deserve you. I agree with the anonymous poster--you deserve better! ...because YOU deserve to be happy, Karen. <3

Anonymous said...

only N knows what N wants to do. only u know what u wanna do and only u can control your own actions. ultimately u gotta do what's best for u.